Saturday, November 17, 2012


I decided to try this blogging thing again....Now that I'm married, I'm sure I'll have a ton of new stories to share with friends and family.  This first one is going to be a reflection on the wedding day.  Enjoy!

We were married today!!!  I will try to recall all that I can, as most of the day was/is a blur.  

I couldn't sleep the night before - SO many things running through my head and praying that the weather would hold up, the rain would stop and we could have the ceremony on the sand as planned.

I woke up around 7:30 - 8:00am and immediately brushed my hair and checked to see what the weather was like outside.  It was cold and windy.... I said, "See ya later" to Jeremy, who was still in bed because he had trouble sleeping also.  I put on a sweatshirt and my shoes and went upstairs to the Breakfast/Shower that Granny was throwing for me the morning of my wedding.  I went into Granny and Grandpa's room and there were already a lot of people there!  Family from Mexico, family from Jeremy's side, and family from all over!!  Everyone cheered for me and clapped for me and I said hello to everyone.  Soon thereafter, Granny announced that food was ready and we all lined up to eat.  I don't remember why, but I had to step out a few times and go back downstairs.  At one point I was up at the party and standing and eating and Granny asked me to sit down because I looked like I was getting ready to run away LOL!!!  I sat down at the table to make her happy :)

After eating, I began opening presents.  Many great gifts from many special people. I'm such a lucky gal!  By the time I finished opening gifts, it was already time to start sending girls to the hair salon.  Soon afterwards the party fizzled out and people went their separate ways. It was a great shower.  

I had no time to breathe, though, looking outside at the huge waves, it was clear to me that the ceremony couldn't possibly still be on the sand.  What little space we were going to have, due to the fact that we were going to be dealing with high tide already, was being overrun by the larger than normal waves.  Jeremy and I and Mom agreed to have it on the patio instead.  We brought it to dads attention and told him to have it set up on the patio. 

With that being said, it was on to the salon.  Mom, Jahsenta and I began walking to the car, when I realized that I was still in my pajamas!  She drove back up so I could run in and change, and I asked Jeremy to get up to help out because things were starting to get a little crazy.  We sort of had a rain plan - but I never imagined it would be cold and windy.  The cold wind was throwing me and what I had pictured way, way off.

Oh, I forgot - when we were getting ready to leave for the salon, I couldn't find my cell phone.  Mom had answered a call from Luis during the gift opening, but she didn't have it now.  She said she had set it down on the counter in the kitchen of Granny's room, but I'd tried calling it and didn't hear it.  Nor did I hear it down in our suite.  We put Luis and Jeremy in charge of finding it and headed to the salon.

So I finally made it to the salon.  I walked in and immediately heard my phone ringing... WHAT!?!  I thought it was a cruel joke.  I said hello to everyone in there and sat down... then I heard my phone ring again.  I stood up and followed the sound of the ringing.  It led me to Martha's purse.  She had picked up my phone at the shower thinking it was hers!  Too funny.

I sat around for at least an hour and thought about the nap I could've taken... and kept looking outside at the 30 mph winds!  Luis kept calling while mom was in the chair getting her hair and makeup done with questions and decisions needing to be made.  It got down to a point where I was relaying stuff to mom and then back to Luis and she said tell them to take care of it, but Luis had people in front of him waiting for decisions. Then one of the hair salon guys was standing in front of me signaling that he needed to wash my hair, then mom said just tell him to figure it out!  Then I yelled and stood up and started crying and gave mom the phone and ran off to the bathroom.  I cried for a split second and then Marissa came to give me a hug and console me - LOVE HER!! Then I got my hair washed and dried and then got my makeup done, got my fake eyelash extensions (which I will NEVER do again - Ever!), and then started on curling my hair and pinning it up.  Whether it was because of my breakdown, or if it was normal practice, Samuel sent Jennifer with me for however long I needed her that night.  Jennifer did amazing on my makeup and my hair.  She actually finished up the pinning of my hair back at the Peninsula in our suite.  By the time I got that finished, everyone was already congregating in the room, so I sort of kept myself in mom and dads room while I finished getting changed. By the time I got dressed people were already sitting down at the ceremony location and music had started playing!! It was getting realer and realer by the second.  Once I was ready people moved outside and started lining up and then it all started!  We kept Jahsenta and Alex with myself and dad. Then Luis signaled it was time for us to come out and line up.  We walked towards the set up and Jahsenta walked up the aisle, then Alex freaked out a little because there was a lot of people and I think it threw him off.  We told him to take the box up to Papis and he finally saw where Luis was and I told him he could run if he wanted to because we had told him to walk slowly, but he was scared.  

Then it was time for dad and I to walk up the aisle.  We were laughing because of Alex - I remember my veil was getting stuck to my eyelashes - they were already bothering me!  I remember finally being able to see Jeremy and he was crying and the rest of the walk was a blur until I got to Jeremy.  I remember kissing mom and dad, and then taking off my blusher veil because it was blowing straight at Lou Lou and tossed it to my mom! 

The ceremony is a big blur to be completely honest.  I remember listening to Lou n Rob and then to Luis and Hilary, and then I remember listening to Jeremy's vows and then having to read mine - from my iPod!  I had written them down, but forgot to bring them with me to the island, and never had a chance to rewrite them on paper.  I was crying and I caught a glimpse of Luis, who was crying, which made me cry more, so I couldn't look at him.  Jeremy was crying and I was crying and probably several others were crying.  Then I remember Lou Lou asking if we wanted to go to the sand ceremony table - I thought, Oh yea!  When Granny and Grandpa came up I remember them pouring the sand and then the funnel filling up, and then half of the container was full of green sand!  That's quite a good foundation of green sand, though! Then Grandpa said something like "What's this supposed to do?" and Granny said something like it's just symbolic - again, it was a blur, so don't quote me on this.  Next thing - we were married!

Then it was a crazy mess of taking pictures.  I don't know why I emailed the photographer a list of photos I wanted, because we got down to the sand, and he was asking me what I wanted... Ummmm, isn't that why I sent you a list? GRRR! I realized a few days afterwards, that we didn't get any photos of Granny and Grandpa with Jeremy and I.... OMG!  It was SO cold - we wanted to get the kids and Bill back off the sand and out of the cold and back to the Peninsula.  

The photographer said the photos should be viewable by Monday - I can't wait to see what he captured!

The rest is really a big blur.  The dinner was delicious, the cake was divine! The speeches and toasts were heartwarming.  It was too cold for much dancing, but I think it all went super awesomely.  The mariachis were a big hit.  I loved dancing with my honey to our song, and I loved seeing everyone out there freezing along with us.  The only down side was not getting to spend more time with the people we love and haven't seen in ages, but we are grateful, more than words can express, that everyone made it down to see us join our lives together.

We are thankful for both of our parents and everything they did for us and have done for us in the past, and will do for us in the future.  Also, for our siblings and their families.

Stay tuned for another installment about our cruise!

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